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    But I 結果共7筆

  • Premier considers unified Labor Day holiday amid challenges

    Premier Chen Chien-jen considers a unified Labor Day holiday in Taiwan, but faces challenges. Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lin I-chin raises concerns about added costs for police and firefighters. Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang emphasizes the need for consensus, while Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Personnel Division Director-General Su Chun-jung calls for further impact assessment.
    2024/03/05 17:14
  • Record 28,000 runners brave cold at Taipei Marathon

    The Taipei Marathon took place on a chilly morning with a record-breaking turnout of around 28,000 runners, including an 80-year-old man. Ethiopian runners, Dechasa Alemu Moreda and Obse Abdeta Deme, won the men’s and women’s marathon categories with impressive times of 2:11:56 and 2:27:12, respectively. Taiwanese runners, Chiang Chieh-wen and Chen I-ning, claimed the national titles with finishing times of 2:22:29 and 2:56:37. This year’s marathon set records for the highest number of participating countries, with runners from 62 nations, and the largest ever runner participation, nearing 30,000 entrants. Kenyan athlete, Lani Kiplagat Rutto, who narrowly missed the championship last year, returned but fell short once again.
    2023/12/18 20:06
  • Unauthorized photography around military bases prohibited

    Taiwan’s Minister of National Defense, Chiu Kuo-cheng, stated that the Ministry will not interfere with general aviation enthusiasts taking photographs, but any behavior involving scaling walls to capture military installations will be considered reconnaissance activities. This announcement was made during a review of the draft "Military Base Security Maintenance Regulations" bill at the Legislative Yuan’s Foreign and National Defense Committee. According to the draft bill, unauthorized reconnaissance activities directed at military camp areas, such as measurement, filming, photography, depiction, or description, can result in fines ranging from NT$30,000 to NT$150,000 if they compromise national security. The committee discussed potential issues related to dash cameras unintentionally filming the area or residents of high-rise buildings next to a base. Deputy Chief of Combat Planning, Chen Wen-Hsing, clarified that the draft bill mainly targets harmful reconnaissance activities, while general photography activities remain unaffected. Minister Chiu emphasized that unauthorized photography in restricted areas is considered reconnaissance. Kuomintang legislator Chen I-hsin raised concerns about possible conflicts between existing "Vital Area Regulations" and the proposed new law, suggesting the incorporation of maintaining military base security into existing regulations as a specific chapter.
    2023/11/20 19:09
  • Shen Fu-hsiung weighs in on potential KMT-TPP ticket

    Former legislator Shen Fu-hsiung discusses the potential joint ticket between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for the upcoming 2024 presidential election on TVBS TV program Situation Room. Shen reveals that TPP candidate Ko Wen-je is considering partnering with KMT candidate Hou Yu-i, but is still undecided.
    2023/11/02 18:31
  • 21歲吳霏轉大人了!內心野獸面爆發 「超帥後空翻」全場看傻

    吳霏《聲林之王2》出身,後來參加《全明星運動會3》圈粉無數,最近他推出首張個人創作專輯《Not Bad》,紀錄21歲「轉大人」的心情,新歌〈野男人〉MV展現潛藏於骨子內的野獸面,練體育的他,從小在老家的山上就很喜歡後空翻,這次配合MV場景氛圍,還即興後空翻,令現場工作人員們驚呼連連。
    2022/09/23 19:43
  • 帶傷奪全中運冠軍!21歲運動員《全明星3》退役成歌手

    歌手吳霏年僅21歲,在選秀節目《聲林之王2》拚進13強,去(2021)年尾加入《全明星運動會3》,在跳遠項目中表現驚人,事實上他國中加入田徑隊,在撐竿跳項目中拿下多面金牌,更出戰亞洲青年錦標賽,今(2022)年初發行創作歌曲〈各就各位!預備!〉,講述他受傷仍奪全中運冠軍,即便受了不少傷,但「放棄」從來不在他的選項內,也是這樣的鬥志帶領他到不同領域發光。吳霏笑說,從《全明星》畢業後回歸舞台,堪稱是分水嶺:「我正式從運動員退休了,帶著運動員的精神,下一個目標是金曲獎、小巨蛋!」近來也交出歌唱作品〈But I〉,將於明(8)日首播,MV於10日上線。
    2022/06/07 15:55
  • 隔熱杯套變身馬卡龍色! 超商咖啡變「繽紛」

    有時候生活中一點點改變,似乎就會多一些趣味!有超商將「咖啡隔熱杯套」從原本素色改成繽紛色塊,上頭再寫上一句生活中矛盾的文字,例如「I love my work,but not today」許多上班族看了很有感覺也各自有不同的解讀,有些人覺得就算再怎麼愛工作,有時候今天就是不想上班,還有咖啡「利樂包」也在包裝上下功夫,畫圖、畫笑話,希望能讓枯燥生活多一點趣味
    2015/05/26 13:34
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